Welcome to the
LGBTQA Resource Center!
The Center provides information, support, community space, programming, and resources to LGBTQIA2S+ and questioning students.
What We Do
The Center provides information, support, community space, programming, and resources to LGBTQIA2S+ and questioning students.
Who We’re For
The Center serves all LGBTQIA2S+ students, students who are questioning or exploring their identity, and students who use other language to describe their experience but feel an affinity for the community that gathers in our space.
Who We Are
The Center is led by four full-time professional staff, a team of student employees, and the Queer Assembly—a collective of student leaders drawn from our many student organizations.
Upcoming Featured Events
For a full list of all upcoming events, please visit our Events page.
Our Hours
Fall and Spring Semesters:
9 am-6 pm Monday-Thursday
9 am-5 pm Friday
Breaks and Summer Semesters:
9 am-5 pm Monday-Friday