Location: Virtual (registration coming soon)

Gloria Anzaldua (1942-2004) was a prolific Lesbian Chicana feminist and decolonial philosopher who centered her works on transforming multilingual communications elegantly weaving English and Spanish side by side. If you find yourself in swiveling lenses of belonging, communicating in Spanglish, searching for strategies of existing, or you’re hoping to learn more about Gloria Anzaldua this might be the event for you. This Teach-in will converse with Anzaldua’s work to learn ways we can use bilingual multicultural tongues in acts of resistance. Let’s put Anzaldua in conversation with Julio Salgado’s Undocuqueer work to develop methods of being a nepantlere/@/xs- living many versions of in-between spaces. The event will be virtual and is open to all students, faculty, and staff members.