Finding the right resources for you can be difficult and time consuming, and barriers to access often exist. Staff and trained Peer Resource Navigators in the LGBTQA Resource Center can assist community members with resource navigation and can help put together plans for accessing those resources. Email or complete this form to request assistance.
Healthcare Resources for Students
Northeastern Student Health Plan
“NUSHP is administered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts and provides comprehensive health benefits at a very affordable rate”
Northeastern Blue Cross Homepage
Medical and Dental Coverage Options, Tools for Managing Your Coverage
Northeastern Student Health Plan Coverage and Benefit Description PDF
Qualifying Mental Health Conditions and Providers: Page 15
Gender Reassignment Surgery: Page 35
Covered Drugs and Supplies: Page 48
University Health and Counseling Services
From the UHCS “About” Page:
UHCS offers support, information, and response to Mental and Medical Health concerns. Services include:
- Walk-in mental health assessment and treatment
- 24/7 mental health support
- Follow-up visits as needed for medical and mental health concerns
- Referral to clinical care resources in the community
- Immunization compliance
- Medical leave of absence
- Northeastern University Student Health Plan (NUSHP)
UHCS also offers a variety of groups each term in an effort to support your varying needs, including groups specifically for the LGBTQIA2S+ community. All groups provide a nonjudgmental and confidential space in which to learn as well as to receive and offer support. You’ll explore different perspectives and new ways of coping. Groups are a brave space for personal connection and personal growth. To learn more, visit their website.
Name and Gender Marker Change
Non-Legal/Preferred Options
Students may update their name and gender markers in almost all Northeastern systems at any time without having legally changed their name or gender marker by submitting this self-service form managed by the Office of the Registrar. While the LGBTQA Resource Center does not have authority over or direct access to any of these systems, we can help guide you through the process, how it works, and what it impacts.
The name you submit through the form above will be displayed on all future class rosters, transcripts, Canvas, your Outlook contact card*, your husky ID card, and most all other public-facing systems. You will also have the option to have your diploma printed with either your name in use or your legal name. Student gender markers are typically only displayed in the housing system and in the intramural sports system. Name and gender marker updates impact multiple university systems and in some cases must be manually updated. Consequently, it may take up to several weeks to see changes reflected across all of these systems.
For questions or to discuss the process, students may contact either the LGBTQA Resource Center or the Office of the Registrar.
Students are also encouraged to schedule a name change consultation with LGBTQA Resource Center staff or Peer Resource Navigators to receive 1-on-1 support and advice about these processes.
*You will have the option to choose between altering your email address and your email display name, the name that appears attached to the email address in Outlook. Students who opt to receive a new email address should expect that process to be completed 10-15 business days after their name begins displaying correctly in other NU systems.
Legal Document Change
If you have U.S. state or federal issued identification documents and want to legally change your name and/or gender markers, check out the National Center for Transgender Equality’s ID Document Center. If you live in Massachusetts and are interested in pursuing legal gender marker changes, you can learn more from the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition’s Identity Document Assistance (IDA) Network page.
International Student Options
International students can utilize the preferred (non-legal) name change process outlined above on this page. International Student and Work Visas: At this time, there is no way for the Department of State to change your name or gender markers on your Student or Work Visa without you first completing the identity document change through your citizen-country.
Financial Aid Considerations for Name and/or Gender Marker Changes
If you change your markers from Male to Female (MTF):
Regardless of current legal sex status, all people designated male at birth must register with the selective service within 30 days of their 18th birthday. You can register for the selective service through the secretary of state website or there is a selective service registration option on the FAFSA form. If you do not register for the selective service within 30 days of your 18th birthday, you are not eligible for federal student financial aid. Due to the current transgender-exclusionary policies, they can still fill out a request for status information letter. This request form includes a specific section marked “transsexual” and requires a copy of your birth certificate indicating birth-assigned sex as well as additional documentation indicating transition (medical or legal documentation).
If you change your markers from Female to Male (FTM):
Students who are assigned female at birth who change their legal sex to male before their 26th birthday are able to register for Selective Service after their 18th birthday or they will be asked to prove that they are exempt with a status information letter. A status letter can be obtained by filling out a request form through the selective service website. Students 26 years old or older who are legally male who have not registered with the selective service can still fill out a request for status information letter. This request form includes a specific section marked “transsexual” and requires a copy of your birth certificate indicating birth-assigned sex as well as additional documentation indicating transition (medical or legal documentation).
For additional information about transgender people and the selective service, visit the National Center for Transgender Equality’s resource: Selective Service and Transgender People.
All-Gender Bathrooms and Housing
All-Gender Housing
All-Gender Housing is available to all Northeastern students, including first-year students as well as graduate and law students. You can read the University Policy on All-Gender Housing here. Learn more about All-Gender Housing and how to sign up on the Housing and Residential Life website.